Friday, August 15, 2008

Catching Up

Given my silence as of late, one would guess that I have been sated. However, one's guess would be wrong. I have been silent lately, this much is true. I have not, however been lethargic. The gears of my mind have been turning. Thoughts of rebellion and revolution echo in my psyche. First whispers, now a deafening roar consumes my life. One could say that what was once has been a latent desire has now becoming a burning need. I've told you all this dozens of times, and it needs to be said time and again, until you actually understand. I know that not enough of you truly understand, because there has been not but a shadow and a whisper of revolution and retaliation. Not many are needed, but enough. If history has taught us any one thing, it's what the few can do against many. How one resolved individual can tear down a tyrant. How a peasant can become king, if he so wishes. But the simple fact of the matter is, we do not yet want it bad enough. When there are enough who have come to have such a need, that it keeps you up at night, for no reason at all, then will be the time. Now, the watchers must wait, and the waiters must wait some more, because it must be unified to tear down the most hypocritical institution in mankind's history. Too long has a tyrant been in power. Just because the tyrant's goals may, at face value, seem less cruel than others, they are not! All this will end in is subliminal genocide. All will kneel before an invisible power, and have no idea why. Choice will become a thing of the past, if this is allowed to continue. Revolt will be out of the question, because all independent hope will be gone from mankind, crushed by holy mother church. The only thing that can stop this from coming to pass, are the dedicated few. Those who have seen past the shadows covering their eyes. Those who refuse to be silenced. Those who see the horrible things that have been done and answer with a resounding "NO!" I can not do this alone. We must work together to free ourselves. It is not an easy choice to make, that I understand. But it is a choice, and you have the option of making it. That is what matters. In the meantime, I will be watching, and waiting. I hope you can tear off the wool over your eyes and see what is being done to you. How you are forced under the foot of god, time and time again. Together, freedom is not as impossible as it seems. A dedicated few have the world within their reach. Never forget.

Statement of Purpose

There seems to be some misunderstanding of my motives and beliefs. People seem to think that my articles and essays are my attempts at reaching for attention, rather than putting forth a confusing message.

So, I’m going to outline my intentions and ideas in a simple, straightforward manner.
I believe that all Judeo-Christian beliefs are blight on the world. No good has ever come from them or their ideals. For example, the Black Plague. The plague spread throughout early Christian Europe, because Christianity claimed that HYGIENE was a sin. Apparently, being clean and healthy comes from vanity and pride. There is a simple proof that Christians were a main, if not chief, reason for the swift spread of the plague. My ancestors in Norway, were the cleanest people in Europe at the time. Of the days of the week, Saturday (Lodur’s day) was the day of washing. We cleaned ourselves thoroughly every week, whereas the rest of Europe never did. And do you know how long it took for the Black Death to spread to Norway and Sweden? Nearly five years after the rest of the world. It originated in Asia (like another disease that I have been discussing) and they both spread West at the same time.
The Christians were some of the most senselessly violent and morally deficient people to ever walk Midgardr. They claim to preach peace and tolerance, but things like the torture of children were considered routine in conversion. Claiming that a European child’s soul was impure because it hadn’t had water splashed on it’s head and that it would forever suffer, shows some severe problems with the concept of right and wrong. Our gods love us, and they love everyone, even the Christians, because we are all the children of Odin, even though the Christians have replaced him with “Satan.”
I say “Satan” very sparingly, because I do not believe that Satan, or any force of inherent evil should exist as a major power in any system of belief. I believe that the Christians invented “Satan” as a weapon of fear, to keep people in line, in the same way that they warped Hel into a place of torture. We can see now that the early Christians, and many sects still existing today (id est: Catholics, Baptists, Protestants) are nothing more than terrorists. And if we take any thing from many recent events, Judeo-Christian extremists often commit terrorist acts in the name of their faith.
I am never going to be one to say that a religion is right or wrong. Judeo-Christianity may very well be right for people of Hebrew descent. It may be that they follow these beliefs because they are mentally deficient, or because it simply fits their lifestyle. Who am I to say? I am not saying that Judeo-Christian beliefs are inherently wrong. I’m simply saying that, if the past has taught us anything, it is wrong for people of European descent. And the only reason it is so prominent in the world is through acts of terrorism, threat, genocide, hypocrisy and brainwashing. Thank you

More propaganda

Life, as we know it, has been tearing at the seams. Our own morals have been slowly, but surely, pulled out from under out feet, while we are force-fed new ideals in our sleep. I say “in our sleep,” because we are unaware of the change until it is much too late. By the time we realize that things are not right, we have already unconsciously signed away our souls. Many people, at this point, believe that the change is irreversible, and go on to lea a melancholy life, never quite happy with the way things are, but unable (or unwilling) to make a change. Most people avoid taking a chance and making a difference, for fear of rocking the proverbial boat. I ask my countrymen, I beg and plead, Take A Stand! Take back your hearts and minds! Cast off the shackles that have been laid on us for generations, and let yourself soar free! I have done so, as to lead a free happy life. There is an epidemic, a cancer of the spirit, which has been telling us that we are unworthy of being happy, and must only spend our lives making up for sins that no one of us committed. Nothing is evil from its inception. Many are worthy of happiness. Many who have done nothing to deserve otherwise. These people (and I use the term lightly) would have you believe that we are all guilty until proven innocent. In any other situation, a moral or righteous man would be appalled by such a belief. But there are thousands, millions, who, like sheep led to the slaughterhouse instead of the river, lap up this perverse lie like water. The only reason this belief was allowed to flourish and spread was because of terror and deception. The people of the world were, for lack of a better term, hooked and dragged into the boat. By the time that this lie reared its ugly head, it was too late to escape. People were then tortured and brainwashed for generations, until all was well. And I say, all is NOT well! Nothing will be well until we open our eyes. Now is the time! Now, they are at their weakest point, when faith is waning! Accept that which was once taken from you, and see all the amazing things that you were closed to, before! Were these not the people who once said “Let my people go?” They forsook their ancestors, and stole from us. And, like our ancient faith I believe our ancient laws, as well. What do we do to thieves, pagan men? They do not suffer dissidents. Well, I have been a dissident, at least to their cause, since Day 1. They have not silenced me, yet! Do not be silenced. Let your voice be heard! I do not call for church-burnings. Passive-aggression is the way to handle an enemy in the modern world. Lead others from their ranks. Give them pride in their blood, and they will fall like flies. An ideal is only as strong as its followers! Many will say that this is nothing more than biased propaganda, and you know what? Let them. Those are the ones we do not need. This is propaganda, but who’s to say that is a bad thing? Things are often seen as right because they are “tradition.” This law should act universally! Tradition. Faith. Folk. Family. Wes thu hal!

Witch Burning

How confused and backwards of a concept. First of all, the “witches”(Appendix 1) they were burning were, quite obviously, followers of the old religion, as shown by the descriptions by the persecutors. Their attempts to “purge the devil” and “free the witch’s soul” with the use of fire just serves to show their ignorance of other beliefs, and their refusal to see anything other than their own ways. Why, for example, would they do exactly to us what we do to our own dead? Was it some sick sense of irony, burning our living as we burn the dead? Or was it something less sinister? I, personally, do not believe that they are, or were, evil. Just misguided, scared and confused little people. They were not strong enough in their own beliefs to simply coexist. They were afraid that their followers would see our pagan way and start to flock to what is, quite simply, a better way of life. So, they had to remove the problem before they started to lose followers, and thus, power. But, I digress.

The irony behind their actions is the way they went about purging the “witches.” They burned them. You see, there are several facets to this. First and foremost is the fact that we had been burning people for hundreds of years before the spread of Christianity. But, like so many other things that are good and beautiful in the world, they stole and perverted it. If you are reading this, I’m sure you must have at least some minor knowledge of Norse and Germanic culture. Most people, particularly great warriors and leaders, were burned, either on a pyre or, when the situation called for it, a ship. It was a great honor to be burned. The fire purified your spirit, leaving you completely “white” (Appendix 2) and prepared you to serve Odin and the Aesir. The smoke from the pyre carried you and your soul (wyrd) to Asgardr and Valhalla. There you were able to live in happiness at the table of Odin as one of the Einherjar, until the time of Ragnarokk, where you had to fight Surtr and the demons of fire. It is a full cycle, where you are made able to fight fire, here representing the forces of ill, by being burned. The Christian idea was much the same, and is a fairly common idea throughout the world; purification by fire. It is a simple fact that fire purifies. You purify water by boiling it, and you purify steel through extreme heat. Many cultures burned the evil in order to utterly remove it from the world. The European ideal is unique in that being burned and made pure is a great honor. And, quite honestly, I prefer a belief system with more honor than terror.

Appendix 1: I say “witch,” because that is a foreign word. It is never a word we used to describe ourselves, or any others. I have reason to believe that it may have been a word they invented and utilized simply because of it’s harsh, wicked sound.

Appendix 2: To be made white, means to be made pure, or unsullied. Throughout our lives, we do things that displease the gods, but they understand this, as they make mistakes as well. However, no impure thing may enter Asgardr, so they burned the warriors, those who would be entering Valhalla, to fight for Odin. This purified their souls, making them white, and thus able to enter the hall. The idea that only Caucasian men may enter the realm of the gods evolved from this ritual.

The Christian Manipulation

Over the past few centuries, Christianity and the Judeo-Christian religions have always received the favor of the powers that be. Even in countries where Christianity is not rooted by it's people (id est: Europe, and the Americas) it seems to have taken precedence over native religions. It certainly does not seem to have been of their own volition, though. Throughout history, terror and the fear of punishment drove people to convert. Older gods became demons, and the people who followed their own traditions immediately became "heathens," and were punished, accordingly. Overall, not too much of it makes sense.
Since I have little experience with other countries and cultures, I will only be discussing blatantly anti-Pagan occurrences in the Americas. Despite the fact that this country was founded on ideas of tolerance and freedom, by people following a "peace-loving" religion, they show extremely violent tendencies toward people who have been known as "pagans, heathens and witches." First and foremost of these events was when the first Europeans settlers came to America, for good. The first victims of Christianity's spread to America were the shamanic natives. The Native Americans were either converted or killed, which seems to be Christianity's forte. The natives were actually given blankets and clothes that were worn by those with smallpox, an incredibly contagious and life-threatening disease. This was, as all of us know, not the only time that people of opposing beliefs have been removed to pave the way for what has come to be known as Holy Mother Church. Being from Essex County, we all know about the Salem Witch Trials. This is both the most famous, and most obvious example of discrimination against paganism in the "modern" world. The victims of these trials were called witches, which is a word that was never used by pagans to describe themselves. The descriptions of the rituals performed by these people, for example, bonfires, dancing in the woods, nudity, and animal sacrifice, directly correlate with pre-Christian, European practices. The people claimed to have seen "the devil" who they claimed as a horned man, with a goat's leg, or clubbed foot. This description fits two pre-Christian European gods; Cernunnos and Freyr. The people were immediately imprisoned and executed, on little more than the word of a young girl. Even to this day, the modern Christian organization has not apologized for the actions of the early ministers.
Now, this all seems to be such a long time ago. But, you would be fooling yourself if you believed that Pagans today aren't just as hated as they were hundreds of years ago. I have read many articles and second-hand accounts of the ridiculous treatment and stereotypes suffered daily, as well as going through much of it myself. There have been several court cases and controversies, directly targeting pagans. One of the most ridiculous happened in Indiana in 2005. "Case number 49D010305DR000898 was a child custody case where Judge Bradford issued a ruling forbidding either parent from instructing their son in their shared religious beliefs. The judge questioned how Wicca differed from Satanism and instructed the parents to choose a "mainstream" religion." ( This just one of countless cases of Christianity seeping into the government. They seem to believe that because they have the most followers, this gives them the right to act in any way that they please. There is also the question of holidays. All the major holiday breaks and vacations, apart from summer, are based around Christian holidays. (id est: Christmas, Easter) Other Middle Eastern Holidays are also recognized, like Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Pagan holidays, and other "heathen" holidays, are scoffed at. "It's an unofficial religion, therefore an illegitimate excuse for a day off." My boss told me this, earlier this year when I tried to take the night off for Samhain. Needless to say, I was shocked at the level of ignorance. How could it be recognized in other countries, but not our own? I immediately started doing more research into the discrimination, and found a rather disturbing story. On a petition website,, there was one petition concerning Paganism, and a small story explaining it. An unnamed member of the US army was recently killed in action. This man happened to be a Pagan. Both he and his family had requested a Pagan funeral ceremony, and religious symbols at the funeral, as well as on the tombstone. After his death, all requests were denied. He was given a Christian ceremony, overseen by a Christian priest, with nothing on his tombstone but his name and dates. I, for one, found this deeply disturbing. It seems to me that nothing is sacred, not even death, when a difference in opinions is involved.
Some of the words that have been thrown around, concerning Paganism, like "unorthodox," "non-mainstream," or "non-traditional," are complete nonsense. There is evidence in manuscripts, such as the Kalavela, and the Prose and Poetic Edda, that Paganism has been followed in it's current form for more than 2000 years before the birth of Christ. There are also chalk carvings and stone drawings, across Northern Europe, some close to 40,000 years old, depicting Odin, the All-Father of the gods. Then again, hard fact is something that Christians around the world have never advocated. They have actually been against trying to discover Christ's existence. That just serves to show that too much is set in the words of a group of people who are afraid of the truth, because it might be something they don't want to hear.
I can understand some of the reasons why people dislike Paganism. Many gods, animal sacrifice, and Lord of the Rings-like magic can be a bit much for most people. That is the way that we are normally seen. What others need to realize is that the majority of the things that they assume and hear are wrong. The only commonly held conception that is actually true is the belief in many gods. The others, however, are more questionable. The animal sacrifice question, for example. People hear about animal, and even human sacrifices in the old days. I am not going to deny it, these were very commonplace. There has even been some little evidence of Viking-like human sacrifices in America, dating around the year 998. However, we haven't performed sacrifices, as a whole, for hundreds of years. When faced with this point, most people have said something to the effect of, "Well, you're not allowed to!" This is very true. We are not allowed to perform sacrifices, anymore. Who is to say that we would or would not be doing them if we were allowed? All I know is that we do not sacrifice living things, but people are anti-Pagan because of something that happened hundreds of years ago. There is also the, what I like to call, "nonsense" argument. People only see the commercial side of Paganism, the side from the television and movies, with magic and witchcraft. To set the record straight, we do not do magic. We have never claimed to do magic. Also falling into the "nonsense" argument is the concept of many gods. After I had spent only about 5 minutes, explaining the basic ideas and moral principles of our polytheistic religion to a person I didn't know very well, she asked me, "Don't you think it's all pretty silly, though? Having all kinds of gods and stuff, it's kinda fantasy, isn't it?" No, it is not. They claim that it is non-traditional, then turn around and call it out-dated. Something is very backward there.
There just seems to be far too much prejudice and discrimination going unchecked in a, supposedly, tolerant nation. The one thing that makes me angriest about the overall situation is the rampant hypocrisy. The most historically violent organization condescends to us for being barbaric. The youngest is calling the eldest, non-traditional. And, they murdered Pagans for "peace" for Christian sheep.

The Need for Separation

I’m sickened and done. The last straw has been pulled, and it was most definitely the shortest one. I’ve decided to wash my hands of this modern Christian civilization. I have tried and tried to maintain a stiff upper lip, and stay proud of my Pagan heritage, while surrounded by the adversity of a Catholic community. I come from a family of good, strong European blood, who claims to tolerate religious freedom. I have followed the way of our fathers since I was six years old. I discovered it, and knew immediately that it was right. I have, since that day (excluding one slight lapse) stuck to our blood religion. I was never praised or ridiculed for it, and I liked it that way. I wasn’t doing this for anyone else, this was for me, and I didn’t require anyone else’s opinions on the matter. I’m aware that the word “Pagan” and “Heathen” are tossed around as insults, throughout the Christian world, and with a particular concentration in heavily Christian communities, like my own. I was going against the grain. However, unlike many other “anti-conformists” in my community, I was doing it for no ulterior motive. I wasn’t rebelling against my parents, nor was I trying to fit in, (or not fit in) I was just doing what felt right to me. I never advertised it. I didn’t need to. I don’t require other people to know about my beliefs in order to validate them. There have been two vast extremes of encounters with others of my kind. I was walking through my town, I believe I may have been in a music store. I walked in, to encounter a large, bearded man, with a wide smile and kind eyes. He looked me up and down a few times, taking in my unshaven face, healthy glow from eating home-grown food, and ancient symbolism. He gestured for me to approach him. He leaned forward, grasped my hand and said, very easily; “Hail Odin,” no more, no less. That was the perfect statement to fulfill my meager need for religious camaraderie.
Then is the other extreme. The people who (almost!) make me ashamed to be called a Pagan. I was approached by a young man with an unnaturally green Mohawk, and a T-shirt with the gory logo of Cannibal Corpse splattered on the front. He runs up to me, through a group of women leaving a Christian church. He looks at my hammer and says in a loud, carrying voice, “Yeah, brother! Let’s burn this mother down and rape some Christian bitches, huh?!” Needless to say, I was appalled and left without a word. These are the people who I am simply disgusted to be associated with. He is not a real Pagan, merely a person looking for another way to be controversial and go against the “mainstream.” This disgusting display of nonsense and ignorance just adds to a long list of misconceptions about our people. First and foremost, we do not inherently hate Christians. Some, even many of us, may be resentful, even angry, at the things done to our predecessors by the early missionaries thousands of years ago, and the ridicule and injustice many of us still endure at the hands of modern society, even today. Our ancient and noble gods are seen as outdated, or “hokey.” Someone once asked me, “But don’t you think the whole thing is a bit silly?” No, I don’t.
This leads me to an entirely new issue. I was met by this stunning gem of ignorance from a student at my secondary school. Upon discovering, in a discussion of European history, my Pagan beliefs, he spewed this sewage from his gaping mouth; “Why didn’t you just choose a normal religion, like Christianity, or Jewish?”
Let me start by pointing out what is grammatically wrong with this ridiculous inquisition. Firstly, what is a normal religion? One that has been deemed “correct” by the vast majority who have been brainwashed by a bearded carpenter and a man with a pointy hat? No thank you, not for me. The way I see it, I am of no Jewish or Middle-Eastern heritage, so why exactly would a religion that is alien to my blood be “normal?” I am European, through and through, bred of strong Nordic and Gallic blood, so to go with any belief other than my blood-religion would be abnormal, even unnatural. Secondly…Judaism, the term is Judaism. This I told him, and he retorted with an even more brilliant response; “Yeah? Well, I think pagans are stupid, because they love Satan, and Satan is evil.” I was utterly mind-blown. I couldn’t even comprehend how utterly obtuse he was. He had obviously been brainwashed by his parents, who had been brainwashed by their parents, who had been brainwashed by their parents, back to our proud ancestors who were raped and beaten into “submission” to an alien power, with no mercy and twisted ideals.
I say “submission,” because I don’t believe that the Pagan blood has been purged from our veins, as is shown by our steadily growing following. These people who come to us, aren’t doing it because it is something new. They encounter it, and, instantly, the Pagan blood starts pounding. It doesn’t feel like entering a new faith. It simply feels like coming home. Especially when you are met with open arms, by your brethren, who know your rejoice at returning to your roots. Every man, at least every European man, still has the primal urges in his brain. The urge to leave behind the modern, “civilized” world and run in the trees, and hunt for survival, and fight for your life. Every man feels the need to honor the ancient gods, whether he knows it or not. When a man goes game hunting, but doesn’t eat it, that is when. It is not simply out the pleasure of killing, because that is a sign of severe mental deficiency. Nor is it a test of skill, because that could be tested, more easily and accurately, with simple target shooting. No, it is because of the need to give honor and sacrifice to the gods. The need and urge that still burns in every true Pagans heart.
I’ve decided I’m going to refer to all Europeans as followers of the ancient religion of our forebears. This is simply the truth. Every one of them, one way or another, is a Pagan. Whether they know it or not. Every day of the week is a small honor to the gods. Every Yule (Christmas) when Children wait for Heimdallr, otherwise called Santa Claus, that is an honor. You see, even at a subconscious level, all men still work from a heathen mindset. A Christian man doesn’t understand that setting up a tree at Yule is an ancient tradition. But he does it, despite that. And that, is a step in the right direction. With the constant slip-ups, and people losing faith in Christianity, particularly Catholicism, that stain on the world has already started to be wiped clean. Soon enough, due to the perverse actions and beliefs of the church, Christianity will implode, and the churches will no longer be “God’s house,” but merely another building. And I will not only be bearing the first smile, but the first torch as well. Hail and well met, traveler. I hope you find your road, as I have.